Meet the Team – Lisa Emmett

Meet Lisa Emmett, Lead Physiotherapist, Leeds Teaching NHS Trust and member of the Steering Committee, Home Mechanical Ventilation in Partnership (HMViP)
Can you introduce yourself?
I’m Lead Physiotherapist & Joint Clinical Lead for Leeds Complex Sleep & Home Ventilation Service and my job role includes the setting up and monitoring of home ventilation, CPAP & Clearway cough assist devices alongside the education and training for staff, patients, families & carers.
Ongoing respiratory testing & initiation of HMV (Home Mechanical Ventilation) on the wards in Leeds and around the region, outpatient clinics and home visits throughout Yorkshire.
I have a specialist interest in Neuromuscular conditions and have been involved with the MND (Motor Neurone Disease) service and care centre.
What is your interest in HMV?
I am passionate about Home Ventilation and the immense benefits which can be gained for a wide variety of conditions including chronic lung conditions like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Neuromuscular conditions such as DMD (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) or MND. The importance of individualised care and goal setting is to ensure that every patient has the best opportunity to succeed with this treatment option if clinically indicated. The benefits gained in improving both quality of life and life expectancy exceed most other medical interventions.
When did you join the HMViP?
January 2021
What do you personally hope to see the group achieve?
To highlight HMV and to remove many of the unfounded fears and stigmas regarding its use. Through the website and patient stories, I hope the group facilitates interest and discussion to raise awareness and provide practical support and advice, to improve the experience of both our new and longstanding HMV users.